(Adults, the Gospel for this Sunday again involves images that are incomprehensible for little people. This reflection focuses on only a handful of verses.)
Luke 21.25-28, 34-36 (full reading)
The Church begins a new season this Sunday. Each season has its own special colour. Every time we change seasons, we change the colour. The colour for this season is purple.
Purple is for seasons of preparing and waiting. We get ready for a feast. This season of preparation is called, "Advent." In Advent, we prepare for the feast of Christmas when we celebrate Jesus the Light coming into the world.
In the Holy Bible, we hear how Jesus the Light comes into this world. He is born a tiny baby in a very small country called Israel. He plays as a boy; he grows to be a man. He has friends who walk and talk and eat with him. They see him every day. Jesus lives, dies, and rises to new life—never to die again—in the land of Israel.

The Light of Jesus' Risen life will never go out. This is good news.
The Light of Jesus is always in the world, but we do not see Jesus in the same way that his friends in the Gospel see him. We do not know him in the same way. We want to know him more. Jesus knows this. He talks a little about this in the Gospel for this Sunday. He says,
“There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars
How are the sun, moon, and stars signs of Jesus? All of these give light to the world. Their light reminds us of Jesus who is the Light of the World. In the Holy Bible, we hear that God makes the sun, moon, and stars so that we might have light. God sees that the light is good. But it is not the best. Who is the best?

Jesus says,
they will see ‘the Son of Man coming...
The Son of Man is another name for Jesus. Jesus says they will see him coming. Who is he talking about? Who will see him?
Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.
In the season of Advent, we prepare to know Jesus the Light. Our eyes may not see him now, but we prepare to know him when we do see him. We light candles on an Advent wreathe, and think about Jesus. The light from the candles is also a sign of the Light of Jesus. We think about him, and we raise up our heads. We stand up, we lift our arms, and we sing!
(In memory of my good friend, Mariann Dunsmore, who now knows fully the Light of Jesus' love.)