After more than three years, something new!
The Better Part Podcast
Listen to weekly reflections prior to Sunday Mass!
5th Sunday of Easter (Ages 3-6): Remember Who He Is
Good Shepherd Sunday (Ages 3-6): The Voice of the Good Shepherd
3rd Sunday of Easter (Ages 3-6): A New Way of Knowing?
2nd Sunday of Easter (Ages 3-6): Be Still and Know
Easter Sunday (Ages 3-6): The First One to Know
Passion (Palm) Sunday (Ages 3-6): Best. News. Ever.
5th Sunday of Lent (Ages 3-6): The Voice that Calls by Name
4th Sunday of Lent (Ages 3-6): Jesus is.
Living Water
Peek at the Risen Life
Listening Only to the Voice of God
Love for the angry sheep
The Voice of the Good Shepherd
Who is the light of the world?
Guided by the Spirit
Why do they follow?
A knowing that can only come from God
At Baptism, what do we feel, and see, and hear?
Gold and Frankincense
Growing up in Safety